Trident Consulting

Software Development and Consulting in Vienna
Websites, Software and Consulting for small and medium businesses.

For every budget!

Web Development

We create modern and responsive websites that work on all devices that you can manage yourself.


Today the internet and social media are important tools to gain new customers and secure success for your business – we will show you how it’s done!

Software Development

A fitting software solution reduces ongoing cost, enables more faster workflows and helps your business use modern technological opportunities efficiently.

The Team

Young – Professional – Helpful
Daniel Eder

Daniel Eder

IT-Consulting, Software Development

Rene Völker

Rene Völker

Graphics Design, 3D Art

Why hire a Webdesigner?

Your website is the figurehead of your company, and it should get your business the attention it deserves.

A professional website utilizes modern design, search engine optimization and targeted online marketing to bring new customers to your company. A home page should not only appeal to customers, but bind them, that’s why your own, high-quality website is of fundamental importance in any business.

Even in fields not directly related to computers and the Internet customers almost exclusively rely on search results from google and other search engines, and only a web presence of the highest quality can keep up with the growing competition.

Why hire an IT-Consultant?

Rapid technological progress, EU regulations and new economic challenges require even small and medium businesses to show dedication to innovation. It is almost impossible to keep tabs on technical and legal requirements and at the same time lead an efficient and profitable business. We offer our technical Know-How and act as your strategic IT-partner to keep a tactical advantage in the age of the Internet.

We assist in optimizing existing IT systems, show how to improve your existing workflows and help you to automate parts of your business to reduce running costs.

Any Questions?

Are you looking for:
– A free Quote?
– A Consultation?
– More info about our Services?

Contact us!

1140 Wien

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